hi there!

this is my diary of cancer. not in a sad, depressing way. in a kick ass interesting way that lets peeps know how i am, what i'm going though and how i make it better, more fun and lot less serious. yeah, it sucks. sure i'll be sick. but in the end life is short and rather than hold hand and sing prayers, talk about how i'm an inspiration or some heavy stuff...lets have fun. talk about the cool shit i make to get me through this, the crapball movies i watch (because netflix is only so big) and fun stories about the "c" word and what it really is like. i share this all because a community of peeps fundraised so i can still be here. so this how i let them all know how i'm doin', when i'm not high on painkillers that is....just kiddin.

(for the old people and the painfully un-hip, please look up g-thang by snoop dog and dr.dre)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


that hardly sums up what was the most epic party and fundraiser ever. last friday, my friends kelly & ferris organized a sketch tuesday themed party for me as a fundraiser. it was unreal. we knew it would be good because the amount of artists that said yes were insane. then people just started emailing and showing up, until it became some epic meet up of artists, who were all drawing and raising money for yours truly. i was beyond humbled and touched. but that aside, being in one room with so much creative talent is kind of unreal. it was not just the creative energy in there, there was some kind of positivity and happiness just going around. it was so much fun. everyone of my friends that was there not only said it was amazing but one of the best parties they have ever been to, ever. i dont know if there was some e in the drinks, but it was one heck of a love fest.

there was so much amazing art and to see all those artists drawing, was a sight. every chair was full, seats on the side, benches, everywhere people were drawing or painting. i met a girl from paris even who was there on vacation and drew. you couldnt buy the art fast enough, it was coming off the walls before it was even up. seeing friends buy other friend's works right off the table. a few of my highlights start with skinner. skinner is by far one of my favorite artists. a little bit twisted metal for some folks, but his work is amazing. ive been a fan since his white walls show last year. dreaming of one day being able to afford his work and settling for tee shirts and pillows from nooworks, has made me happy but friday- i got to go home with a giant cock made of diamonds. again, not for everyone, but def for me. there was a bacon dick warlock/ wizard and a few more in there that blew my mind. it was really cool to meet him, cant wait to see his show this weekend.

also pretty rad was david chong lee, who rolled in with paints, frames and 3d glasses. as the night went on, i realized that all pieces were 3d masterpieces. man this guy is talented. watching him paint was truly a cool experience. my friend tae, mastermind behind alite, is taking one home, so luckily i can still check it out again.

of course, ferris & kelly, who i am always in art crush with, were awesome. they are so talented on their own, then when they team up- amazing. they are just awesome amazing people i love to be around. being good friends now, its nice to take a break and watch them create. they define what a creative couple is and actually give my creative loner spirit hope that there is a creative equal out there that can make me better. i am stoked for their shows coming up in september. epic, talented people that im lucky to call friends.

there were so many epic people there, it was nice to see two friends drawing- arlo and henry lewis. very talented. friends all bought their pieces. awesome ladies in the house too! was rad to meet isabel amaras, jennybird alcantara, audrey erikson & matthew ronan came and drew a rad portrait of me. made me cry. jessica trippe's piece was a amazing and went home with my bestie. hooray. marcos lafarga killed it with some cancer sucks pieces that everyone were fighting over. i need to put that on a koozie asap. sirron norris was awesome to meet. nate van dyke. daryll pierce was so rad. there were tons of amazing people here and i feel literally honored to be around them all while they create.

it was by far one of the best nights of my life. i will remember this forever. on top of meeting all those artists, we made about $6,000 which set me over the top on our fundraising goal. to be there, drawing and creating was unreal. id like to invite them all to come to indie mart and do a sketch party there to fund raise money for kids in the arts. i was just so inspired by it all. i get very intimidated to meet artists. you feel like a freshman hanging in the senior courtyard, but they are all the nicest people and really brought it. epic, epic night. and in the end, i am a person who is so juiced on creativity and making things, so to have this happen and be a part of it, makes me feel a little kick in the pants to beat this and give 110% so i can continue to be around people this rad and do more creative things. i am just getting started and being a newbie in art, is intimidating. i just had my first 3 shows this year and its a tough thing, a learning experience. so it was encouraging to be around these folks.

warholian provided some sweet photos, which is one of my fave art blogs by far. fecal face as well gave us alot of press for this, who i am very thankful to. john & jessica are super rad, talented people. sarah deragon took some rad shots as well, and caught the koozies we made of tuffy tuffington's designs, as well as ben venoms! god i love a man with a koozie. this was fun.

thanks to everyone who came, created, participated & bought art. very rad night.

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