hi there!

this is my diary of cancer. not in a sad, depressing way. in a kick ass interesting way that lets peeps know how i am, what i'm going though and how i make it better, more fun and lot less serious. yeah, it sucks. sure i'll be sick. but in the end life is short and rather than hold hand and sing prayers, talk about how i'm an inspiration or some heavy stuff...lets have fun. talk about the cool shit i make to get me through this, the crapball movies i watch (because netflix is only so big) and fun stories about the "c" word and what it really is like. i share this all because a community of peeps fundraised so i can still be here. so this how i let them all know how i'm doin', when i'm not high on painkillers that is....just kiddin.

(for the old people and the painfully un-hip, please look up g-thang by snoop dog and dr.dre)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

jason segel: the end result.

okay. well that was fun. i started this all for entertainment and fun, because it keeps my mind off of chemo and other stuff. but it surprised me how many people were into it and had my back. even down to friends talking to him when he was out on polk street last night. (of course he goes to one one of my fave bars when im not there, of course) i am not really a crazy girl who has posters of segel on her wall. i really do have a crush on the characters he plays, id love nothing more than some adorable, goofy, funny guy who is a smart ass. he's pretty foxy. and come on, he made a muppet movie? those little guys changes my childhood. most people's. anyway, in the end, i had a fun thing to keep my mind of reality, i realized i had like a 10% chance as opposed to a 1% chance and he knows about me. or someone told him, maybe he was drunk and will never check this. but I'm thinking its a small town and i got a big mouth, so chances aren't so bad he at least knows. stars are like mythical unicorns and no one wants to get caught up in it, watch tmz or read us magazine and admit it, and i pride myself on having way more culture in my life to be worrying about Hollywood. but this was fun none the less and I'm excited to see my hood in this movie when it does come out.

so no dates. no contact. but he did find out, so my six degrees worked at least. and I'm stoked y'all had my back. I'm not opening this up to real sf men. which we definitely have an alot of awesome dudes that fit this bill as well. and in the end, it was fun to try. why not?


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