hi there!

this is my diary of cancer. not in a sad, depressing way. in a kick ass interesting way that lets peeps know how i am, what i'm going though and how i make it better, more fun and lot less serious. yeah, it sucks. sure i'll be sick. but in the end life is short and rather than hold hand and sing prayers, talk about how i'm an inspiration or some heavy stuff...lets have fun. talk about the cool shit i make to get me through this, the crapball movies i watch (because netflix is only so big) and fun stories about the "c" word and what it really is like. i share this all because a community of peeps fundraised so i can still be here. so this how i let them all know how i'm doin', when i'm not high on painkillers that is....just kiddin.

(for the old people and the painfully un-hip, please look up g-thang by snoop dog and dr.dre)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Feelin the love.

I havent been on here in a bit. No funny talk of cancer or trying to date when the whole city knows you have cancer. It has been a marathon. I need a vacation from fundraising. In the last few weeks I have had 2 art openings, Indie Mart (which was insane), a concert and a big art party tomorrow. I am beat. I cannot thank you all enough for coming out to Indie Mart. Not only was it successful for our vendors, which in a shitball economy is really important, but I am overwhelmed and thrilled by the amount of just smilin' happy folks there. We had a good time, made some terrariums, ate some good food, had some really rad vendors and raised some awesome funds at the doors for my cancer fund. I love indie mart, and its a day that makes me happier than you can know because people are making things, selling made things, selling vintage, looking cute, eating & drinking, jamming out to music. its just a fun day whether you are there to shop, cruise, eat, drink or party. <3 thank you. thank you. thank you. I am literally high of happiness after Indie Mart for weeks. I love this town.

Lastly, tomorrow is the last of our fundraiser parties for my cancer fund, because well, cancer is fucking expensive. Ive spent over 75k in 4 years on it and after sleeping on the floors of my businesses sometimes, living cheap and getting by on an indie business owner salary (ie free beers and low pay), well its been amazing and saved my life (literally) that the city is rallying around me. I cannot thank you enough. Beyond the money, which has covered all my surgeries and treatments so far, its more about the love I get. I am a simple lady, I dont like drama, I like a lot of hugs & hanging out. To have so many people pay attention to what you do, care about it or just want to help, is amazing. The more people know you, the more you will have haters. Maybe because youre in the paper, maybe because they dont get what you do, but I want to assure everyone I am appreciative, thankful and genuinely humbled by it all. Its overwhelming and the LAST THING I want to be known for is cancer. I dont want to see cancer near my name in the paper or ever, trust me. It is what it is. I am sick and I needed help. I am so fortunate that it has been so successful and Ive gotten so much press and media. I would like to think its because I earned it and not just because Im sick, but Im sure some people are sick of hearing about it and my events. It has been crazy and overwhelming. In my head, Im still a chubby metalhead who likes to make stuff and cant get enough dates, who no one pays attention to. To have people rallying around me like they are and even making Indie Mart so much bigger this year, is like a big hug from the city. I feel the love SF and I love the balls out of you. I am like a hug dispenser, a sick one yes, but still a hug dispenser, who cannot wait to do more for the fun creative community here.

I dont like to talk about my health stuff alot, its a bummer subject and when Ive got so much good around me, how can anyone want to focus on it? I am doing well though, I see a definite difference from making healthier choices- juicing, eating well, herbs, alt medicine, probiotics and more. Also less drinking and social time out. Which is hard, but rest is good. Chemo sucks, its chemo. I barf alot and feel like shit. My immune system is crappy and I get sick or hurt easy. I feel good though. I def have some weekends away planned because lately its hard to relax here. Just too damn much always going on, so I am happy to go heal up at my magical Russian River Cabin a few weekends through October before the storm of Indie Mart, Treasure Island Music Fest and holidays come creeping in, just as soon as Im done with all this treatment. On a very good note, Tae, who is a creative god that started Alite (cute tents of Winnebagos & sex sleeping bags), read my palm last weekend at Indie Mart. Being how Tae is about the most awesome guy Ive ever met, genuine, honest and just so giving, it meant alot to have him read my palm. Guess what? Long ass life line. Oh yeah. Good news there. Love lines, not as good. Oh well, cant have it all.

On that note, please come to 111 Minna tomorrow. My favorite creative power duo of awesomeness, Kelly Tunstall & Ferris Plock (these two people make me want to fall in love and find my creative equal) have rallied a shitstorm of all the best artists to come and draw or who have sent in work. Since so many rad folks have come on for this, more have come and more. We will have a stacked room of artists, all taking turns in the hot seat and filling the walls with art you can buy for super affordable prices. It will be the best sketch party ever assembled here and I owe it all to the Tunstall Plock gang<3 Please come out, have some beers and watch hella talented people draw. I may have to buy a Skinner piece for sure.

Will Draw For Drugs: A Sketch Party Fundraiser for Kelly Malone's Chemotherapy Drugs and Cancer Treatment Fund

Friday July 29th, 9-2am
111 Minna
San Francisco, CA
FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY, JULY 29TH, 111 MINNA, you will not want to miss what is sure to be THE BEST SKETCH PARTY THAT SF HAS EVER WITNESSED. (And yes, you will want to re-read that statement out loud using your best Monster Truck announcers voice!) This sketch party ThunderSlam comes together to help raise funds for Kelly Malone, founder of The Indie Mart & Workshop SF, as she goes battle royale against an advanced stage of cancer AND squares off against the mounting hospital bills and chemo drug costs that have reared their evil heads. Hosted by SF artist Kelly Tunstall and WorkshopSF, this event offers a one-time opportunity to pick up affordable works drawn on the spot by an amazing lineup of Bay Area big guns. There will also be submitted art for auction, as well as special edition designs screen printed on WorkshopSF's favorite never-leave-home-without-i​t accessory: the beer koozie. DJ Sonny Phono & Romanowski will keep the hips bumping while the nimble drawing fingers do their thing. This is the second (and final) "Help Kelly Kick Cancer" fundraiser. It will be a fantastic night, and will support one rad lady. BE THERE!

The artist lineup (so far) includes:

~ Adam 5100- http://www.adam5100.com/
~ Alexis MacKenzie- http://www.alexisanne.com/
~ Arlo Jamrog- http://arlojamrog.com/
~ Audrey Erickson- http://audreymayerickson.c​ om/
~ Brett Amory- http://brettamory.com/word​ press/
~ Brian Barneclo- http://www.brianbarneclo.c​ om/
~ Daryll Peirce- http://daryllpeirce.com/
~ David Choong Lee- http://joshualinergallery.​ com/artists/david_choong_l​ee/
~ Dennis McNulty- http://www.dennismcnultyar​ t.com/
~ Erik Otto- http://www.erikotto.com/
~ Ferris Plock- http://www.kefeinc.com/
~ gaNyan- http://ganyan39.blogspot.c​ om/
~ Hannah Stouffer- http://www.hannahstouffer.​ com/
~ Henry Gunderson- http://henrygunderson.tumb​ lr.com/
~ Henry Lewis- http://theskullandsword.co​ m/
~ Ian Johnson- http://ianmjohnson.com/
~ Isabel Samaras- http://isamaras.wordpress.​ com/
~ Jay Howell- http://jayhowellart.blogsp​ ot.com/
~ Jesse Balme- http://www.jessebalmer.com​ /
~ Jessica Trippe
~ John Casey- http://www.bunnywax.com/
~ Justin Lovato- http://www.justinlovato.co​ m/
~ Kelly Tunstall- http://www.kefeinc.com/
~ Marcos Lafarga- http://marcoslafarga.com/
~ Paul Urich
~ Ryan de la Hoz- http://www.ryandelahoz.com​ /
~ Sirron Norris- http://www.sirronnorris.co​ m/
~ Skinner- http://www.theartofskinner​ .com/

and many more folks have jumped on!

Koozies by several local artists & graphic designers, including Lil' Tuffy, the Bold Italic Illustrators, Gangs of San Francisco, and all the Workshop teachers.

DJ's for the evening:
Sonny Phono: http://www.myspace.com/son​ nyphono
Romanowski: http://www.myspace.com/rom​ anowski45

Admission: $5-20 suggested donation
100% of admission, art sales & donations support Kelly's Cancer Treatment Fund


For more info or to donate: http://www.workshopsf.org/​ ?page_id=832

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